Documentary Editing
2007 Editor, General Idea: Art, AIDS, and the fin de siecle, produced and directed by Annette Mangaard and Three Blondes Inc., TVO
2007 Associate Editor and Voice Over co-writer, Road to Baleya, produced and directed by Bay Weyman and Close Up Films, Bravo.
2007 Editor, Locations Hidden, directed by Annette Mangaard
2008 Editor, The Red Jacket, produced by Angela Bianchi
2009 Editor, Kinngait: Riding Light IntoThe World, directed by Annette Mangaard, produced by David Craig and Site Media Inc.,Bravo, TVO, Knowledge, APTN
2010 Associate Editor, Finding Fidel, produced by Bay Weyman and Close Up Films, TVO
2012 Editor, Music Is Not A Luxury, directed by Annette Mangaard produced by the NFB
2012 Editor, They Were Promised The Sea, produced and directed by Kathy Wazana
2014 Editor, Suzy Lake: Playing With Time, produced and directed by Annette Mangaard
2016 Editor, Random Acts of Legacy, produced and directed by Ali Kazimi
2016 Editor, Land of Not Knowing, produced and directed by Steve Sanguedolce