Blog Blahs and Machiavelli

The blog stopped here, on November 18, 2019 I wrote below:

Machiavelli and Me is about leadership, and how nothing much has changed in how leaders operate: control their populations, ensure the survival of the governing elite, struggle for resources, ward off usurpers, etc.

We shot the narrative part of Machiavelli and Me in one day, nine actors, me on camera and sound. I gave the actors an outline I wrote with 12 scenes, based loosely on ideas from Machiavelli’s The Prince.

We shot about eight takes for each scene, with loads of improvising. I asked each actor to come back on another day, for an hour or two, to shoot monologues from Shakespeare, Mark Twain and many others.

The process of making the video was a test, using a new combination of old techniques I used in the past. The distribution is also a test: it will appear online only.

I’m disappearing into a new realm after this, another dimension perhaps; and I don’t know what will come of this next journey. Machiavelli and Me laid some of the groundwork for it. Another presence has entered this realm, an antagonist bent on changing me; in this volatile world I will attend to this new presence, with prayer like focus and a sense of just clowning.

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